Whitin the activities of DHuMAR project there is a commitment to collaborate with other groups and research projects.
Parnaseo (Web Server of Spanish Literatura)
Parnaseo is a web server of Spanish Literature, made in HTML language, with multimedia possibilities and interactive databases (ASP pages).
Parnaseo is formed by:
- ELECTRONIC PAGES: LEMIR (Spanish Medieval and Renaissance Literature), MEMORABILIA (Medieval Sapiential Literature), TIRANT LO BLANC (Literature of caballerias) or ARS THEATRICA (Spanish Theatre), which give an account of the research lines of the equipment components.
- BASES OF DATA: Production of the Valencian printing press of the XVI century, Valencian tipobilbiography of the XV and XVI centuries, Bibliographic Database of Sapiencial Medieval Literature, Database of the Spanish Theatre, Teatre Valencià Contemporani (AVL), Ancient Catalogue of the Escolar Hispánic Theatre, Valencian theatrical posters of the nineteenth century, Ars Magica and Storyca.
- SCIENTIFIC MAGAZINES of impact: Lemir Medieval Spanish Literature and Renaissance, Memorabilia: Medieval Sapiencial Literature Bulletin, Tirant (Bulletí Informatiu i Bibliogràfic of Literature of cavalleries), TeatrEsco (Old Spanish School Theater) and Celestinesca.
- DIGITAL EDITIONS of medieval and Renaissance texts.
- AUL@MEDIEVAL: academic portal of Medieval Literature directed to the university community developed in the framework of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs).
- PARNASEO EDITORIAL COLLECTION that publishes critical texts and studies in different formats (paper, e-book and network reading).
Coordinators: José Luís Canet y Marta Haro (1996-2016)
ISIC-IVITRA / Higher Institute of Cooperative Research "International Virtual Translation Institute"
In today's world, the industries of language, translation and applied translation can be fundamental tools for the effective transfer of cultural and scientific-technical heritage beyond the limitations imposed by languages and, above all, by borders Administrative procedures. Translation, understood as an applied discipline of Philology and Linguistics, is the best bridge to make effective the interculturality and the effective transmission of ideas. Translation is the best resource for overcoming administrative boundaries, and allowing knowledge across cultures, languages and literatures.
Thus, there will be no longer any frontiers: the texts of European "classics" may be available, even in their earlier editions (princeps and even in facsimile), which may be practically inaccessible or unavailable, and also the "classics" Europeans, conveniently translated, will now be available to all readers. We can provide these polyglot editions with "annexes" that will make them especially interesting for students: concordances, lematizations, frequency indexes, vocabularies, glossaries, multimedia elements, educational resources, etc. In short, we must create cultural products marked by the excellence of its contents, authors or researchers, that are suitable for the specialist public and, at the same time, for the general public. This is what we are currently developing with our IVITRA and TRAMICTEK projects, respectively, VIRTUAL INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL TRANSLATION and the EUROPEAN NETWORK OF EXCELLENCE and STREP "Translation, Multilingualism, Information and Communication Technologies, and Transference of Knowledge".
It is an interdisciplinary methodology and has objectives that, although they are concrete in reference works, can be easily extrapolated and adaptable to other authors who, in general, present conditions similar to those discussed above. This type of studies can give us a more solid and well-founded knowledge (diachronic and synchronic) of the history of the language in question. On the other hand, it can make possible the exhaustive study of the lexicon of the author in question, its graphic fixation and its semantic load, establishing a perspective contrasted with the lexicon of other contemporaneous authors. Finally, we can offer historical or classic references (ancient and also modern) useful to enrich the knowledge of the theory and practice of translation.
Director: Vicent Martines Peres
Grupo de Investigación CLARISEL
The research group Clarisel is made up of professors from the Department of Spanish Philology (Spanish and Hispanic Literatures) of the University of Zaragoza, specialized in the study of medieval Spanish literature and the sixteenth century. It maintains a portal (Clarisel) with three bibliographic bases dedicated respectively to the books of chivalry (Amadis), to the medieval tale (Sendebar) and to the literature written in Aragon (Heredia). It has earned the recognition of Consolidated Research Group by the Government of Aragon in the calls for 2005, 2008 and 2011 and is a member of the project Aracne, Network of Digital Humanities and Hispanic Letters. At present, he develops the research project R & D "Rewriting and re-reading: towards a catalog of medieval works printed in Spanish up to 1600" (Comedic), and on its website includes the Dictionary of Names of the Amadisian cycle (DINAM) , Prepared by María Coduras, member of the group.
Funding: Recognized as a research group consolidated by the Government of Aragon. Granted by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (FFI2012-32259)
Director: María Jesús Lacarra
BITAE. The Bible Teatro Áureo Español
This site is the public window of the BITAE research team. The purpose of the team is to study the presence and influence of the Bible in the theater of the Golden Age. The team has received two R + D + I research projects from the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness: FFI2010-17870. BITAE (I). The Bible in the Spanish Golden theater. From the Old Cars Codex to Lope de Vega. (2011-2014) FFI2013-47806-R. BITAE (II). New paradigms of theatrical interpretation: answers for a society in multicultural conflict. (2014-2017).
Directors: Juan Antonio Martínez Berbel y Delia Gavela García
BIPROSA. Short novel of the 17th century: study and edition
PROSA BARROCA brings together several of the leading specialists in the Golden Age narrative. It develops BIPROSA, a digital database of Hispanic prose of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, collected in printed and handwritten sources. In addition, it collects in critical editions the works of the novelists and speakers of the Spanish Six Hundred, together with essay volumes.
Director: Rafael Bonilla Cerezo
CIM. Printed songbooks and online manuscripts
The CIM group has been the recipient of four ministerial research projects (FFI2008-04486, FFI2011-25266, FFI2014-52266-P and FFI2017-86313-P). It has offered the scientific community four monographs of a polyphonic nature, in all cases coordinated and edited by Josep Lluís Martos (2011, 2014a, 2016 and 2017b), which helps in the preparation of that canon for the transmission of poetry by song and romance Likewise, it has created a space for scientific debate and collaboration among researchers, such as the international CIM colloquia, of a triennial nature, which has already had two editions. And, likewise, it has generated the only specialized magazine today in song poetry and, until very recently, of Spanish romancero: the Magazine of Printed Songbooks and Manuscripts, hosted on the CIM website (www.cancioneros.org), in the one that can be found other sections dedicated, fundamentally, to the material bibliography and to the cataloging of poetic sources. They are part of this group, to this day, María Jesús Díez Garretas (Universidad de Valladolid), Maria Mercè López Casas (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela), Nancy Marino (Michigan State University, Estados Unidos), Antonia Martínez Pérez (Universidad de Murcia), Josep Lluís Martos (Universitat d’Alacant), Manuel Moreno (University of Liverpool, Reino Unido) y Ana María Rodado Ruiz (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha), as the team dedicated to the Spanish and Catalan songbook poetry; and Virginie Dumanoir (Université Européenne de Bretagne Rennes 2, Francia), Mario Garvin (Universität Konstanz, Alemania) y Alejandro Higashi (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa, México), as especialists in the romance poetry, even though the members of the songbook poetry are also included in this gender.
Director: Josep Lluís Martos