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The Don Quixote Image Bank: 1605-1905, a project developed by the CEC and Slinges, began in 2002, thanks to a research project funded by the Ministry of Education and Science. Thanks to the financial support of the Community of Madrid and the State Society for Cultural Commemorations, a first version could be posted on the Web, available to all users in December 2005, consisting of 80 editions and more 4,000 images. 

In recent years, with funding from the Cervantes Studies Center and the Don Quixote Public Company, 2005, from Castilla-La Mancha, the Don Quixote Image Bank: 1605-1905 has increased the number of editions and images, up to more than nine thousand images, that extend month by month, having become essential tool for the diffusion of the quixotic iconography. 

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The website of the QBI (1605-1905) has been selected by INTUTE as a good telematic resource at the service of the research and teaching community. 

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