Visionaries, saints and possessions under the eyes of the Holy Office. Censored Female Discourse
Under the research project R & D + i DHuMAR, Digital Humanities, Middle Ages and Renaissance. 1. Poetry 2. Translation. Ref .: FFI2013-44286-P, in which it is framed, this website pretends to be a virtual space of free access, linked to the University Research Institute "Miguel de Cervantes", where various processes of faith are hosted against women, religious and lay people who are useful for their study and analysis to the researchers. The intention is to compile and, at a later stage, to expand a referential literary corpus of the Holy Office around the visionaries and the search or emulation of holiness, which would give priority to faith processes initiated against women. Likewise, inquisitorial texts related to the practice of witchcraft or demonic possession will be accommodated. This will allow an approach to the processed woman and her discursive strategies, either in direct style, from her writing or phrases; Either indirectly, from that of their confessors or inquisitors. Such an approach will open the way to investigate the common patterns that predominate in the discourse of women censored from the instances of the Holy Office.
Given the lack of an internet space that includes these types of texts, this web will be an important resource that allows the study and transfer of knowledge. It would also be useful as a tool to search for information about even documents and as a starting point to expand collaborations with academics or students working on similar lines of research.
Margarita PAZ TORRES
FPI de la Universidad de Alcalá