It is an electronic and free tool that facilitates to students and readers the numerous testimonies of literature translated throughout the low Middle Ages. Its scalable nature, will allow in later works the incorporation of other repertoires, in particular the translations that do have a known translator. Its formulation allows to delve in a complementary way in other related areas of work, such as documentary, hermeneutics and didactics.
The expansion of CHTAC to be transformed into a Hypertextual Catalogue of Medieval and Renaissance Spanish translations, with the collaboration of other European scholars, is one of the objectives of the DHuMAR project.
Link to catalogue:
Elisa Borsari y José Calvo Tello, “Catálogo hipertextual de traducciones anónimas al castellano (CHTAC). Un nuevo proyecto de Humanidades Digitales”, en Memorabilia 15, pp. 203-226. ISSN: 1279-7341.
Postdoctoral Talent (UR / Government of La Rioja)
Honorary Research Professor (UAH)